Monday, April 28, 2008

Dynamics To The People - Bjørn Kolbrek's Private Website

A few posts below, I linked to the articles "Horn Theory: an Introduction" by Bjørn Kolbrek. I forgot to add a link to his private website. I have actually known about Kolbrek and his horns for years, he's had his system up online for years now. It has been fun to follow his developments and I was extremely jealous of the "Kolbrek Sub Horn". I didn't realise his engineering background, the papers published in AudioXpress took me sort of by surprise.

In any case, it is interesting to see what kind of stuff is built by someone who knows what is important and what isn't.


oramasdj said...

Hi Im OramasDj From mexico, And I wonder if you could help me to build this kind of subwoofer to work with one 18 inch speaker, I`ll really apreciate your help so please tell me how to build it I want to build 8 of them

Ivo Tichelaar said...

Hello oramasdj, I don't do design on demand, for various reasons. Mostly time. I can give you a few links to free designs of 18" speakerhorns, that's the best I can do. Good luck with searching more!

Ivo Tichelaar said...

OK, I advice for instance Bill Fitzmaurice's Tubas, or for some free designs. You can also search for W-horns, there are some 18" options available.

Ivo Tichelaar said...

You know, Oramasdj, I have a post coming up about a cornerhorn for an 18" driver... :)

oramasdj said...

thanks, I really apreciate your time on this, I made 2- 18" sub, but here the speaker are really expensive, so maybe I got a bad design of this horn. We are in contact my friend, thanks a lot

MartinV56 said...

Great site, great idea, i am a fan horn, greatings from Bogotá, Colombia, Martin